Q. Is Florida estate planning more than just having a will?
A. Florida estate planning is much more than just having a will. In a broader sense, it is the process of creating and implementing a program for the protection and transfer of wealth.
Q. How can I avoid the probating of my estate?
A. First, we should define Florida Probate, as most people do not understand what it means.
Q. I’m not certain I can qualify for Florida Medicaid. How can my estate be preserved from the potentially overwhelming costs of nursing home care?
A. It is not uncommon for individuals to pay as much as $70,000.00 a year for nursing home care for a family member, and that cost may not even include medicine and medical care. If one can qualify for Medicaid coverage, Medicaid will pay for the cost of nursing home care (in excess of the nursing home patient’s gross income), medical and psychiatric care, any gaps in Medicare insurance, and all medications.